
Nip-induced Craziness

But first, a note from my sponsor! *ahem* My human bean wants me to tell you that she started a blog called TechnoGadget. It's about technology, flashy boxes, and stuff.

Okay! Now that I got that over with, back to MY regularly scheduled blog post: 

My human bean is learning not to bother me when I'm on the 'nip especially if she values her appendages. (I've been told they come in handy.) What sort effect does nip have on you? Apparently it makes me crazy!


  1. Whoa, you *do* get all wild and crazy on the nip, Danielle! That must be some pretty potent stuff!

  2. Whoa, that IS making you crazy! I had no idea when I sent you the prizes. I think I unleashed a monster!

  3. Don't worry Sparkle. My human bean only lets me have it once in a while! :)

  4. Oh Me and my mom laugh out loud !!!! and you know what ?
    You and me, we have the same style to do bunny kick..Hard fast and furious : )

    Great captured !

  5. It makes us both a little crazy. And loud. Very loud.

  6. It makes me a little crazy, too, but I don't hold a candle to you Danielle!

  7. Whoa, that must be some powerful nip!!

  8. Dang! You get crazy! We just get mellow and lovey!

  9. we both loves the nip!!! yay
    BoBo Salem, ChaCha & lil brother

  10. You look really crazy indeed. They have locked cats up for being less crazy before :)

  11. Hi Danielle! I have missed seeing you! Mom is so bad and behind (we are trying to visit all the girlfriend cats first as we catch up so you all know we miss you a lot!) We loved the video and mom can't wait to check out your mom's other blog when she has time. Our dad has a blog about flashy boxes too - he really likes them and so does our mom. Just tell your mom that if our mom doesn't comment it is just because she is trying to help us get caught up!

    Sending you lots of hugs and smooches!



I love comments as much as turkey! Almost. But very close.