

Yesterday, the bean had this idea that I would look cute with some necklaces on me. So, here is the story.

Right from the git-go I knew that it was a bad idea. But I let the bean go on so the idea would be forgotten.

This is too embarrassing.

There, that's better.

Then, the human got the gold one. Said it matched my eyes. I don't care if it matches, 'cause I don't like it! I won't look at it either.

After that, the bean introduced the idea of PLAYING with the necklace. I definitely went for that.

OK, you better get this shot, cause I'm not letting you do it again! I am planning to never see these necklaces again.

And, I haven't! The bean said it's not kitty safe if I play with it by myself. Victory at last!


  1. Kitties are gorgeous without jewelry, its us beans that need the decorations to try to be a fraction as good looking. Looking lovely Danielle

  2. Very clever! So hopefully those awful necklaces won't ever show up again!

  3. Hmm... well, you really are quite pretty with your necklaces! But we totally get why you disdain such things.

  4. We think you look stunning even though you're totally hating them!

  5. Ooo that last one is very fetching!! they're all lovely photos!

  6. Well, you do look kinda cute. But I'd have to bite it too.

  7. So sweet. You are adorable!


I love comments as much as turkey! Almost. But very close.