
Tortilla with Tuna

Yummy, for a treat today the bean gave me tortilla soaked in tuna juice. Delicious! I'm normally not a Mexican diner, but you can't go wrong with tuna. :) Sometimes I'd eat plain tortilla. One hundred percent of the time, I'll eat tortilla with chick-hen broth on it.

Which reminds my Bean of a story....

Once I had a "picky eater" kitty named Midnight. He didn't like his cat kibble very much. Sometimes I gave him a bit of bread. He ate that like there was no tomorrow. :)


  1. I don't really like tuna. But maybe I should give it another go.

  2. Tuna, yes tuna,, mmm you got it right there.. I love tuna... HUgs GJ x

  3. Our Mom won't give us tuna. She's just weird that way.

  4. Tuna Torillas?!? YUM~O

  5. Wow! Is that like a fish taco?? Sounds yummo!


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